My cheeks were hurting after my birthday dinner tonight. So glad that most of my friends could make it :) those who follow me on snapchat know that I didn't do much for my real birthday hahah... it was a good day and all but pretty lame for a birthday. Dennis went to Sweden early in the morning and I spent the day chasing signatures for the lecture book... studying and cleaning. At least I also went to gym! And made a cake for myself!
So tonight I prepared some games before the dinner that I printed on the way there; for instance there were five categories with questions, that if answered correctly would yeild a drink on me! Incorrect answers were however punished by picking a number, corresponding to a pointless phrase to tell a waitor, such as "my father has a horse", "damn, that was rough", or "I'm scared of chicken"... ihihi. Needless to say, most questions were not answered correctly... but they were fair. I mean, we are supposed to know the colours of the rainbow and the name of the Hungarian president by now.
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