
Världens godaste baguette (snabb)

My faaavourite bread, Maria's fast baguette. Recipe for 3 small or 2 long baguettes:

- 3 dl water (37°C!)
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 12 g yeast
- 2 tablespoons salt
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 7 dl wheat flour, or whatever flour you like

Dissolve the yeast in the water and add the remaining ingredients. Mix well. Yes it's supposed to be a wet blob. Cover with a towel for at least one hour.

Set oven to 200°C. Pour a lot of flour on your working area and scoop out the dough. Split into two or three equal parts. Tap with flour, the dough should be covered with a thin layer of flour. Drag them out and twist, put on a baking-plate and cover with a towel for 15 min. Oven-time! Bake for appx. 15 minutes, they are done when slightly brownish. Brush with tiny bit of olive oil while still hot.




Okay, I've submitted the abstract, now there's just the thesis itself left to go. I'm presenting my work at a research conference in exacly a month, and after that I have one or two weeks more before I must submit the final draft of my thesis. Thinking about it makes me fascinated by the amount of work that I'm going to do until then, ha ha.

Very excited for the coming week, starting with gym tomorrow and visiting Matilda in Stockholm Tuesday - Wednsday which we will finish off by some high intensity training at Nike women week, funfun! And the best part - Dennis is picking me up at the trainstation on Wednesday night. He has been in Canada and I've missed him so much...

Photos from yesterday's 9 km walk. Yes, I'm standing on the lake hehe.



White cold and pretty. I looooove winter. I love all seasons... but especially winter. Perhaps no wonder that I do, being Swedish and Russian and all.


2015 y'all

Read last year's evaluation here(link).

Did you do something that you've never done before? I got my first salary, haha! For one month of "work" at Karolinska Institutet. Became a teacher this semester for 3rd year medical students in immunology practicals/seminars (total of 5 classes). Spent many hours in a research lab. Basically this was a good year for my CV :D

Places visited: Budapest a couple of times. Went canoeing on the Tisza river. Went to Slovakia (Kosice, over a day), and to Paris over Christmas <3. Lived in Stockholm for two weeks during the summer.

Is there something you're missing from 2015 that you would like to see more of in 2016? I would like to spend more time in Sweden and be closer to my family, which could be possible since 6th year is just around the corner (YIKES!) but me and Dennis are also thinking of doing some practice in Finland. And I would like some more partying, haha, we'll see if I can manage. And more travelling, Paris was so amazing. I just need some income ya know.

Biggest mistake? I don't know? I'm really bad at regretting things. I can think of one thing which made Dennis disappointed in me, and I regret that.

Best buy? So many but umm maybe my gym shoes? They are close-contact running shoes and I got them on sale and they are the best and I love them.

How would you describe your fashion? A bit more sophisticated compared to previous years, thank god, I was getting so sick of wearing just cotton tops and leggings (due to my schedule at uni with hospital practice every day). But don't get me wrong, I still dress very (!) casually.

How would you describe your make up? Hmm didn't wear so much make up, but spent more time filling my brows and got a countouring palette (powder, sheer) from clinique that I've been using every day. I used it in this photo but possibly a bit too much, haha.

How was your diet? It was awesome. I think I've cooked 90% of all my meals in 2015 and it has been very variable, rich in nutrients and most of all rich in fibre content which I am sooo pleased with *loving my intestines to bits*. I even started baking my own bread this year and barely bought any from the store. I love cooking though haha probably this behaviour wouldn't be possible otherwise.

Exercise? Awesooome. Apart from during exams and when I lived in Stockholm I've been able to workout 4 - 6 days a week throughout the whole year. I've done cardio every week which I'm happy about but some more wouldn't hurt. I improved my physique a lot the past year, in my opinion :)) and at last I can say that I have a little bit of abs haha. It was a struggle. They didn't show up until I started doing weighted ab-exercises. Both photos below are taken right after the winter exam period, now vs. a year ago.

Were you a good student: My grade average last semester was 4,4 and will be around 4,2 this semester I think. Firtst semester of 5th year was very busy though with everything that I took on to myself and I feel like I could have spent more of that time studying. Although, I did manage my life the best that I could to keep stress at minimum, so what is the point in regretting anything? I would have had to sacrifice something else for it... and I'm really happy that I fought for what I wanted. (reference to study-material ;P)

What books did you read? More like, which books did I NOT read, NOT. Didn't read a single novel hu-hu, but started one today (The Son by Philipp Meyer).

Did you fall in love? Yes, over and over :)


- Study more on an everyday basis, not only on weekends. NO
- Make my gym sessions more planned and effective, so that some of them can be replaced with cardio. I'm also ready to push harder at the gym. YES
- Consume more HDL lipids, and less diary products. YES
- Keep my fingers away from my skin!! NO
- I want to grow my hair another 10 - 15 cm longer :D GETTING THERE
- Learn how to relax so that stress will not affect me as much, so that I can go to sleep at proper hours. NO
- Be more tidy and prevent the apartment from looking like a warzone from time to time. A LITTLE BETTER

Final state

So, there, I ended up losing 2 kg's. Because the reason is stress, I feel like it's not okay... but this is the way life is and progress doesn't only take you upwards. I think this(link) was the best shape that I've ever been in, in the beginning of December just at the start of exams. My goal is to get back there and keep that, but with a bit more definition in front - because it is not as defined as my posterior, but size-wise that level is where I want to be. In other I'd like to make my training even more functional and improve my flexibility, the latter particularly. Would love to start boxing again... but I also need a driver's license (lol I'm sooo behind) and can not make time for both... i.e. the thought of it makes me more stressed than happy... and I've been in enough situations already where I didn't have a driver's license.

Those two kilos used to be a little bit of everything. My face is definitely slimmer, my abs show more, and when I squatted the other day I felt like 40 kg's was challenging. 40 kg's is usually a warm-up weight for me, so my leg muslces really took a hit from all the sitting/studying. Despite my lighter bodyweight, pullups are more diffcult too, so basically I lost tissues everywhere. And where did my butt go..? :P feel free to visit at any time, butt.



Sitting on the airplane home to Sweden at this moment. (photos below added on 17.01.16)

How do I do it? Everything that I do... how do I!? I don't even know myself... but it probably makes me age faster. So annoying, take it too easy - you're aging and wasting time. Plan and multitask - age faster from stress. And die earlier...? Is there a solution for this!? When it comes down to the purpose of life, I think there's really no point with anything... except recycling... so just do what makes you happy and enjoy life the way you like it.

The semester is over and done with. I finished my last big exam this Monday and stayed a few days extra to repeat my experiments at the lab. I have three donors (dendritic cells) yeilding similar results now, so it's very exciting and I'm looking forward to composing my thesis.

I've been gym-deprived the past month which has made me so, so eager to go. It's a nice feeling. Went three days in a row straight after my exam and can't wait to workout the first thing tomorrow... Haha. I'm not tolerant with skipping gym and almost never push it aside for other things... exams or travelling are practically the only exceptions. To me exercise is just as important as eating or sleeping and no matter how busy I am I will always find time for it. I would never ask someone to skip their gym session for me :O With all known benefits of physical activity I don't understand why more people don't feel the same :)))))



My cheeks were hurting after my birthday dinner tonight. So glad that most of my friends could make it :) those who follow me on snapchat know that I didn't do much for my real birthday hahah... it was a good day and all but pretty lame for a birthday. Dennis went to Sweden early in the morning and I spent the day chasing signatures for the lecture book... studying and cleaning. At least I also went to gym! And made a cake for myself!

So tonight I prepared some games before the dinner that I printed on the way there; for instance there were five categories with questions, that if answered correctly would yeild a drink on me! Incorrect answers were however punished by picking a number, corresponding to a pointless phrase to tell a waitor, such as "my father has a horse", "damn, that was rough", or "I'm scared of chicken"... ihihi. Needless to say, most questions were not answered correctly... but they were fair. I mean, we are supposed to know the colours of the rainbow and the name of the Hungarian president by now.



Took some progress photos during the "sunset" today and the colours turned out so weird that I don't even know what to do with them. Aaanyways - I have two more exams to go this semester... but checked my weight at the gym the other day and was 56,9 kg's with clothes on, after breakfast. That's more than 1,5 kg's of weightloss already. I'm not even sure how I do this, but I always lose weight when I study hard. It's interesting because I make less time for sports and more time for sitting down, which also includes snacking on something.

I feel like I have to "start over" after exam periods, because I become so skinny and significantly weaker... kind of cool though what the body does to promote... brain function? And dealing with stress. I don't really like these selfies but anyhow I will hopefully be back to my previous shape in 1 - 2 months.

Past week in exercise:
Sun: chest, deadlifts
Mon: nothing
Tue: nothing
Wed: triceps, 60 minutes running (8km on treadmill)
Thu: shoulders, squats, abs
Fri: nothing
Sat: posterior everything, abs
Sun: 20 pushups and some crunches to get pumped for the photos HAHA



Happy new year! Celerbrated at Dollal's house. Nora prepared some yummy food and we watched the fireworks from the balcony there. Later me Dennis and Hayaan went downtown for a little bit of clubbing, but the music was so bad... I suppose that it's possible that people on drugs could enjoy it. Barely anyone was dancing apart from the ultra-hype old man next to the DJ-stand... I'm thinking he was paid to do that because he was the only one hahah and the club was full.

Haven't done ANYTHING today so far and it's already 6PM. I'm too sore to go to gym and too lazy to start studying for my ophtalmology exam heee. Got a 4 in anesthesology, by the way. I got the grumpy examinor haha but he is smart and I like him.