
Life or battlefield ?

I could not keep it up for one more day. I failed the histology exam this morning. But even with luck I don't think I deserved to pass the test. A serious med. student should study histology with interest and true effort and I have not been able to do this these last weeks in order to keep up with everything else.

Cosequence? I have to take an exam on this material before I am entitled to take the final exam in anatomy. Both exams are taken in the same day and you will have three chances altogether. No probleeem.

Baat no need to put myself through extra hell just because of today's defeat. I have to relax a little. Just got home from the cinema! Saw Breaking Dawn part 2 with Bendy Diana and Viola. The movie was okay I guess but Bendy and her volcano popcorn was far more enternatining. I wanted to go for drinks afterwards but no one would go with meee

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