

Hey wassap!

I'm taking the tram to the trainstation in 20 minutes, because I'm going home to Sweden over easter!! YEES. So happy.

Very exhausted today from 1. thaiboxing on Monday, 2. my gym session yesterday. I'm not particularly sore, it's more like I don't want to walk anywhere because my muscles are so tired. Was feeling I'm-strong-yehyeh yesterday and hung 5 kg around my waist during my dips, did 5 sets x 12 reps and wow, that really finished me. Could barely hold the bar during stiff legged deadlifts after.

Also just want to say, oh my goodness, check this video out. You don't need a gym to get a good workout. Tomorrow (when I'll be at the countryside iiih) I'm going to pick around 10 exercises from this video and do three rounds of each.

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