
Hair goalz

Typing on my broken computer screen... broken how... broken á la black spots dalmatian style. I've been doing a lot these days and didn't manage to find so much time for sharing here, but now!

Neither did my hairdresser find any time for me until the next Monday, I've been waiting patiently for 1,5 weeks already to get my hair cut, but time goes so fast that we are almost there.

I've decided that I want to go even shorter. Yesyes, minus another 20 cm. YESSS. We'll see when I return to my long hair again. I can imagine that I will find short hair not only chic, but also very practical and possibly more fun to style. I've collected some girls at instagram that I follow, together they may represent my current hair goals. Dennis is excited for me, haha, he loved it when I cut it off last time.

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