

Waaaw. Here in Debrecen we need to get all subjects signed with our grades by each department, and I tell you, this is HARD work. Dennis and I managed to get two signatures today but it took over two hours of attentive investigation of the campus.

The photos below are from yesterday, which was my 23rd birthday. Can't believe I'm already 23... anyways... Dennis and I got some signatures, went to gym and had lunch at Melange. I went to bed at 8 PM, woke up 3 AM, made egg-free raspberry muffins, and got back to sleep. What a nice birthday! Thank you for all the birthday wishes.

Wanted to go to Muay Thai tonight but I had to take care of some emailing, and now I have to use the rest of the evening to study pharmacology. My exam in pulmonology the other day went great. :)

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