

waaw I had an awesome session at the gym yesterday. I feel strong :D

I've gained almost 3 kg since I got home. 1,5 kg is recovery after the exam period (I always lose weight during exam periods, do you?!) and the rest is new. I've been working extra on my core + leg muscles the past month and I hope some of the weight went to those... hahaa. No but I can clearly see that my legs are stronger. But I've gained weight in general, too.

I'm 58,5 kg now. Around 58 kg I'm always like hmm I like my butt, but also around 55 kg I'm like hmm I like my waist. I prefer both!! I think I could achieve that with a "base-weight" of 55 - 56 + a super toned gluteus muscle. Ehhh?

Photo from the other day. Not arranged at all...

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