

It was Leonardo's birthday some weeks ago... but everyone had either travelled home or were busy with exams, so his sister arranged a surprise party. This night was hilarious to say the least.

We interrupted the party by seeing 50 shades of grey at the cinema... I expected that it could be bad already, when I think of it I did hate the book (I've read the first one) but so many bloggers praised the movie so I was excited to see it... but it was soooo bad. Too long, fastforwarded, super boring. I felt no connection to the characters. Some people even left the cinema. Kids, save your money.

Eleni and I headed to Mickey's after that. What a mess! People screaming and fighting, but I got drunk and forgot about it. I'm still smiling, it was incredibly fun and I got too many compliments... thank you my ego is flourishing...

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