
I should post graduation pics

M.D. degree, it's here. Now joining doctors without licenses for a while. Starting work in Finland in November, meanwhile taking it easy back home, but also going to visit Dubai and Reykjavik a bit... and have some fractionated laser done on my face... kind of not looking forward to the latter, can you imagine...

I didn't say goodbye to a lot of friends before I left Debrecen, maybe because I can't realise that I have actually left. Sorry, I hope that I will meet you all again. I love you. Should I write a bye-message on Facebook? Are people still on Facebook nowadays? I love Debrecen, I loved being a student there... I loved group 11 and I loved pretty much everything apart from the Stomatology exam in 4th year (which I didn't even fail).


  1. Hi there, if you remember my comment from a few years ago:

    I'm now on 3rd year partially thanks to you. Keep on the good work and enjoy your MD! You deserve it.

  2. Hi! If you see my reply, I'm glad! Best of luck in medschool! I figured cus Ive seen your name on some facebook post ^__^ thanks for your nice comment :))


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