

Sorryyyy. I did so much stuff since I last posted.. like for instance Romania, girlsnight, pubs and African food. Wow... do I LOVE African food now. I made fried rice with pork and vegetables the other day in trial to mimic one of those delicious dishes I tried and it turned out really good actually! Pic below.

Today I passed my leftover neuroanatomy written exam. For my co-students: in the end I barely had time to read the Heins so I used a super-corrected Melissa sample and practiced with old questions. It was enough to score 70%, for me.

Next up is biochem which is booked at 10th of June at current, I hope to change it to 7th but maybe I won't want to do that once I'm in the coming week. Hehee.



Hah. I feel lonely. Bored and emotional. I never want to live alone!! I'm a true blood type 0 on this one.

Don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow because there will be a national holiday for two days now so everything will be closed and I'm already bored. Maybe I'll just melt away out of boredom. I really want to go swimming but most likely none of the public pools will be open so... I'm probably just gonna sit and read a book on the balcony.

I'm not studying right now, my plan is to start studying half way through the coming week and take my first final exam the 29:th (written neuroanatomy) aaaand yeah. Talk to you guys later.

Picture from yesterday after me and some friends saw The Great Gatsby (loved it!!)



Blaeöö I slept poorly this night. Omg being tired completely destroys a study day for me!!

I don't know if you guys noticed but I think I'm becoming DIY-addicted. Last night I adjusted another pair of shorts... they turned out just like I wanted to, I'll show you =)

Apart from being tired in school today I actually met with Bazyl over Skype. He is one of my best friends from the high school years. I study here and he studies in Sweden and since we're both busy with that I guess that's why we don't communicate regularly anymore, but when we do I feel like we're still as close as before.,, Those kinds of friendships are so special...

Here are a few photos from the last days:

This printscreen is cute I think... what a contrast in quality though lol.



I know I've been lazy and tired this semseter but I gave a go for the physio and I was quite sure that the test went alright, yet I scored 63%. Gosh it's so embarassing when you express conficence and "fail". I feel dumb. I'm going to to class at 16 and see the questions I got wrong.

(78 + 82 + 81 + 67 + 63) / 5 = 74. ... maaehn.