
Rewards are for those who work hard

I'm currently comparing my IB component grades to the grade boundaries for exams in May 2011.

I'm 2% away from a higher grade in math, 2% away from a higher grade in Economics, come on... I'm also 3% below the upper grade in chemistry.

And my grade in English is a mystery. It has been slaughtered by a grade 4 for my paper 2. How could that paper be worthy of only a 4!? I swear I thought that piece of carbon and ink was the best paper 2 I had ever written for English.

Did you know I did not get a single 7? I scored sevens in Biology and Swedish but these ended up as sixes anyways.

My advice to those of you who are not yet graduates of the IB; you must study more than you think, that you think that you have to study.

1 comment:

  1. Just nu söker jag jobb inom produktion av rörlig bild, och hoppas på något avslappnat om än kreativt jobb, typ redigering eller ljudläggning. Jag hoppas att din vind-känning är korrekt! Det här med romaner och tid är ju suspekt. Vissa tar flera decennier, medans Jack Kerouac spenderade ca: 3 veckor med sitt mästerverk. Jag skall definitivt meddela dig om mina "alster" (pretentiöst ordval?), även om det kan vara under en psuedonym eller liknande mystisk publiceringsform... Ungern är nog ett underbart land! Gulasch och hela den grejen.


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