
Up to the date

Ah yes.

I have three weeks off now in between jobs, and wanted to say Hi for a while now.

Me and Dennis actually really like it in Stockholm, living there has definitely exceeded my expectations. Best part of it is living 10 minutes away from Matilda!?

My 6 months at Clinical Immunology and transfusion medicine did not impress me however, maybe mainly because this area is a lab-specialty in Sweden.. which I've now learned isn't really my cup of tea. Although the cases that they handle there are rare, complex and super interesting, the work itself was often monotone and boring. 8-12 was usually packed without two seconds to breathe, whilst 12-16.30 consisted of filling in forms, phone calls and just waiting for the clock to tick... I even finished 15 points of Business economics during those afternoons (distance uni course) and still had time left to revise immunology, sit and think and feel tortured from not being able to go home haha. Stress is bad of course but I like challenges and want to feel busy. I want lots of patient contact and diagnostics. But I am also disappointed with my boss/es, in the end I don't feel like my efforts were appreciated, or that what I did was of value. Maybe it wasn't of particular value? Minimum one probably two young colleagues also talked badly about me, I didn't confront anyone because confrontation is not a wise move in Sweden... one of them didn't even write bye when I left lol. But most colleagues were super nice, especially the nurses <3 Wrong place for me guys! I am moving over to Infectious diseases which has been my number one goal since medschool... in the year book I wrote that I will specialize in "Infectology, Oncology or Family medicine" which I think was a damn accurate analysis of my future me, so far haha. In retrospect I'm often impressed by myself. Enough Maria, not everyone understand your humour - unfortunately this is a reflection that I now make after one year in Sweden where you can't really speak your mind unless what you say is mainstream. I'm even slightly hesitant to post this in case someone from work would use it against me somehow. I dare you :P

Want to know what I did today? I went to gym with my dad, I drove to Eskilstuna yeh I got a licence now. My dad has a driving ban (? is this the right word) because unfortunately he had a stroke/brainstem infarction in January. Oh my god it was the worst that has ever happened in my life. All in all the fact that we are now going to gym together, less than three months later is a miracle which can't be measured in words. Today I also hmmm started a new painting and made HAHA HAD TO INTERRUPT MY WRITING CUS A BADGER WAS EATING PRIVET'S FOOD OUTSIDE anyways also made Kimchi this evening which I tried once before in medschool but that turned out way too spicy like coagulative necrosis bleach your intestines, but this time..!

So a lot can happen in six months. I just finished 5 weeks of family medicine in Stockholm, had more fun than I did for half a year at immuno. I am not un-nervous about starting infectology because of my first experience at KS but I look forward to it so so much. The doctor group seems to be 1-2 school classes large and I look forward to finding some friendliness and new challenges there. My boss also seems like a cool lady.

See ya later!

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