Hey haha. It's 2021!
Me and Dennis are engaged since 1st december 2019. I'm 2 years into residency in internal medicine opting to double in internal + infectious diseases. Dennis has done 1/5 years residency in radiology.
Pandemic is still going at maximum speed. Had my dose of COVID in march last year which went by peacefully so I'm not planning on vaccination any time soon.
Can gladly say that I'm fitter and stronger than ever at 29 and thiiis close to my first muscle up. Not getting pregnant before I can do one lol. Kidding but not kidding? Honestly pregnancy scares me and I wish I'd feel a bit more ready by now because it's getting close. I want a January/February baby meaning I have to get pregnant in May/June... 2022? Would be nice to travel a bit more before etc but a pandemic hasn't been very helpful.
I like internal medicine a lot but it's tough. Having great colleagues at Danderyds sjukhus really helps. Amazed by how I've become so good at working 12 hour nightshifts without rest... my current trick is to work out at gym a few hours before, then have a good meal and nap prior, and to eat something every 1-2 hours through the whole night + sip on Coca Cola. Probably ages me at a 150% speed. How does this work for people with kids though!?
Spoke to Eleni this week, wow I miss my girls. We were supposed to meet up in San Diego April 2020 but yeah. Social life is poor at the moment and I can sadly admit that apart from our cancelled reunion there's no major difference to my social life now comparing to one year prior to COVID. Medschool WAS the BEST time of my life. Glad that I have this blog to look back at <3