
Still in shock

Poor us that took the stomatology exam today. After the first girl finished her presentation, the examinor asked a few questions and she replied... which sounded alright to me. I was thinking, maybe a (grade) 4. Then... I wasn't sure of what I heard until I heard it again. "You know nothing, you have to re-take the exam". What?

The student after her, the same. Answers not enough. Dear examinor can you tell me the answer? "No, you should know it". "The answer is in the material". "It was said during the lecture"... The examinor whispers to the secretary and they are giggling together and shaking their heads. "You don't know anything".

I'm no specialist in stomatology but there was nothing wrong with their knowledge with regard to the course material.

My heart was literally in my throat but I put on all the confidence that I had and didn't, and made it a brick wall. That's how it felt. Sure I've had bad exams before but never did I feel like a fking king for earning a "pass". She couldn't fail me. Hah. Lastly she looked through my gradebook and laughed at my other grades? Told the secretary like "somehow she has 3's and 4's in here, a 2 is her rightful grade". Yes go ahead and add your 2 but the rest are 5's and 4's, frankly laughing at me doesn't change that.

Felt like I was David Copperfield or Oliver Twist, being interrogated by some sadist psychopath psychobitch with her sidekick smiling and nodding beside her.

Feeling very sorry for the dentistry students that deal with this department every year.

I could try to improve my grade but I bought a flight ticket home and won't risk getting screwed over again. Had myself a "victory" lemonade on the way home.


Long hair care a lot

My hair got so long! I have short layers in front which will take a while to grow out, but that's what I want to do currently. So pretty when all hair is in one long length, classy.

Photos from last night when Dennis and I had dinner at Wasabi. He got a job in Norway this whole summer and is leaving meee :( I still have two exams to go before I'm finished for the semester.



Forgot to share this - from before the Jurassic World premiere. I'm lucky to have met these girls and they have become my best friends. I love you.

I think too much and lazy people annoy me

Decided to move my slogan to the "about" section, just to not scare people off. Just kidding. Now I don't really know what to put up there though? ANYWAYS.

Pharmacology went well. I got a 4 which I think was fair. Today I improved my grade in radiology and got a 5, but checked my grades online and the secretary entered a 4 for radiology too... so I have to go and talk to them tomorrow...

Speaking of tomorrow, I went to bed three hours ago - so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. But did I fall asleep? Of course not. Developed some hypertensive crisis instead and literally saw alpha receptors in the bottom of my closed eyes (if anyone is wondering they look like the letter "A"). Yes kids, I'm that damaged from pharm.

Happy, sleep deprived and malnourished. Couldn't fall asleep last night either and only managed to get some two hours which turned out as such: 50 kg's of squats felt challenging at the gym. Contrast that to the 65 that felt relatively easy only last week! Kids, make sure to get your sleep.

Want to hear another true story? I opened the bottle of wine that our landlord gave Dennis for his birthday. Sitting in my bed, typing this and chugging red wine. I'm that desperate to relax. And I think it's working... Alpha receptors...


The slutspurt

One evening and two days until the final exam in pharmacology. Slutspurt (not a promiscuous word, but means something like finishline-sprint in Swedish), is truly what it feels like. I'm currently super excited to finish this, but it's possible that my emotions stem from today's workout. Kept a higher tempo not to waste time and finished with some "heavy" deadlifts.

Glad midsommar to everyone in Sweden! I know you are not happy about the weather, but if it makes you feel any better... we are covered in rain and thunder down here aswell. Cosy though.

This post in swenglish ends with a douchebag who-cares photo from my previous workout.



Did three reps of squats at 65 kgs yesterday, yay me. That was my first workout for six days... six!! Oh dear. At least my cold is gone...

Went for some errands today and the weather was sooo nice. 21 degrees, some sun, a little bit of rain and nice cool wind. Almost felt like Sweden ;D hopefully I'll be finished with exams within three weeks and be on my way home. I miss the countryside so, so much.

Wore my DIY-shorts made out of old jeans, these are my favourite but almost falling apart by now huhu.



Eleni's grandmother & co. invited me and Bendy over for lunch today! So charming, super nice and yummy. We picked Vanessa up and went to... guess where... to chillax in these 36 degrees. 36!!!

So this summer I got a bikini from Triangl... Will share a story + review in a few days, because I was looking for reviews myself and it was very hard to find, at least for my model "lulu tahiti tango". The bottoms are lovely but I wore these black ones today because they are so great for tanning, hehe :P

Such a nice and relaxing day, really, I had the best time. Now (at midnight?) it's time for me to pick up my pace with orthopaedic surgery as it is my next exam, this Monday.


Late latte

The past two months I think I've been sick/had a cold three times now. It's very unusual for me but I guess I've taken on too many things to do. Irregular sleep and more stress than usual. So yesterday I caugt a cold again, or the old one flared up, with some super-sneezing and kitchen-tap-kind-of-nose-running. I've been curing myself with sleep and yummy chicken soup... Tonight feeling much much better already. Sleep and rest is soooo important to the immune system and I should really prioritize it more, rather than being this multi-functional person which seemingly works, until I get another cold. So think about that if you are a person who gets frequent colds... maybe you are being too stressed...

So no workout today, but prepared an ELISA-plate at the lab and will be performing the rest tomorrow. I'm up for some pharmacology studies at this moment - very cosy with rain and thunder outside my window here... but going to bed on time. I need it :)



Yesss got a 5 in preventive medicine :) The exam was at Kassai campus and I decided to walk there, which made me move everywhere by foot for the whole day and it summed up to 16 kilometers!? Explains why my legs are sore today hehe... Vanessa and I went to the pool while we were waiting for the evaluation of our grades and finished everything off with ice cream. It was the beeest I've had in Hungary. Still not as good as the ice cream in Sweden, but worthy of my money indeed.


Real life

Life as a loner! Me on my way home from the gym today.

It is soooo hot outside that I shower several times a day. Yeah it kind of struck me today that it is actually June, which I'm longing for 11 monts a year. Love it. I'm taking preventive medicine tomorrow so my afternoon/night will be all about that. Talk to you laterrrr.



Selfies from today... wearing my favourite lipstick, "blankety" from MAC. I dropped it the other day in the stairwell and it fell three stores and is all deformed YET uncontaminated so yay me, we still have eachother.

Dennis is travelling to Sweden tomorrow. Buhuu! He's going to attend his sisters graduation and study over there for a bit... meanwhile I'm stuck in Debrecen, all alone,.. eyes falling out of my face (from studying). I'm too addicted to company.


Meeeh gbr

Who am I kidding... Just panicked a bit and completely rescheduled my exam period. Those of you reading since first or second year know that this isn't very unusual for me heheh...

I have to spend some hours at the lab the coming week and I refuse giving up more exercise than I already do. The new plan is that I'm studying pharmacology for four more days, then I'm taking two days for preventive medicine and two days for orthopaedic surgery, after that I have seven days until pharm. Yeeeh.

But hey!! The Jurassic World premiere is next week!!!!!


Level up?

Did a qPCR at the lab today, then went to the outdoor gym for pullups, toes to bar etc. So hot and humid, although only 27 degrees!? Sure felt like 35... but I guess I will take that back once we really have 35 degrees. The whole coming week is going to be 30 degrees warm and sunny. Perfect for studying pharmacology don't you think!? I have so much to study and my exam is in exaclty one week... and 12 hours. I can do it!!!

Any 2nd year student reading? Looks like I might be a seminar teacher in immunology next semester, would be responsible for one group of international students. Quite excited! I'm a good speaker and know what kind of teachers I like and don't like, so I hope that some of my students will find immunology interesting.